By: Jill J. Dixon
Good writers are made by reading good writing. This writing curriculum features excerpts from works of great literature, as well as fun activities that provide continual practice with poetry, business letters, taking notes, writing essays, and writing a literary critique. Focusing on actual skills rather than abstract rules, grammar is taught in the context of writing as students follow in the footsteps of literary giants. This is part of a two-book series (Volume 1 sold separately) that is designed to take 18 weeks per volume, with 2 weeks spent per unit. Lessons are organized by day with the number of objectives listed out and brief instructions on what they are to write. Word lists, tips for students with different learning styles, and other helps are included. 139 pages, softcover. Grades 6-12.
This is the author's best selling book that effectively teaches expository writing and informative writing through modeling techniques of great works of world literature.
Eight distinct genres are covered:
- Writing Poetry - The Raiway Train by Emily Dickinson
- Writing a Business Letter - To Sir John Everett Millais Perkins Institution for the Blind by Helen Keller
- Taking Notes - Writing Outlines - Writing Summaries
- Writing Essays - Persuasive and Expository - "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine, "Of Studies" by Francis Bacon
- Writing a Literary Critique and a Book Review - Literary Critique by Edgar Allan Poe of Nathaniel Hawthorne's Twice-Told Tales
- Writing a Newspaper Article - "Would 'Treat 'Em Rough" by Ernest Hemingway
- Writing a Speech - "In Defense of Rabirius - Before the Senate" by Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Writing a Dramatic Monologue - Mark Antony in Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
ISBN: 0980030226
ISBN-13: 9780980030228