By: Stanley F. Schmidt Ph.D.
Liver is the second book in the Life of Fred Intermediate Series, which is designed for students who have completed the elementary series books, but have not yet completed grade 5.
Each narrative-based chapter is approximately six pages, and ends with a "Your Turn to Play" segment with three or four questions. Answers are provided on the next page for students to go over themselves after attempting to solve the problems. This book should take approximately one month to complete.
Liver covers: What to Pack for Camp, Three Separate Quarters Equals Three-Quarters, Why Blowing Your Nose and Wiping Your Eyes Is Not Commutative, I.e., E.g., Viz., Elapsed Time, the Two Rules of Survival, Passing the Sat Exam, Metaphors, the Three Angles of a Triangle Always Add to 180:, What Can Go Wrong with a Lifetime Guarantee, How To Be a Business Success, the Pythagorean Theorem, Finding Two-fifths of $400,000, Ordering Tjvjik, Ghapama and Satsivi at a Restaurant, Being a Hepatologist, Solving 2x - 7 = 11, What Livers Do, the Difference Between Saturnalia and Saturnine, Hypercholesterolemia, Pie Charts, Cirrhosis, the Drawbacks of Multitasking, Extradural Hemorrhage, Six-sevenths of 413, Four Drawbacks to Fred Living in a Castle in Germany, Verbs Often Used by People in Various Occupations, Treble and Bass Clefs, Electrical Use by U.S. Farms in 1925, How to Win at Bridge, Short Division, Quotients, Secant Lines, How to Have People like You, Changing Percents to Fractions-68 Completely Worked out Examples, Computing 2% of 550, Who Is Not Harmed by Watching Television All Day Long, the Difference Between Graffito and Graffiti, Pet Names Are Different than Names for Pets, How Not to Work Out in a Gym Weight Room, Functions, Domains, and Codomains, Brain Chatter and the Uses of Silence, Reducing Fractions, the First Step in Producing Great Art, What Three Units of a College Class Means, Reasonable Answers, the One Purpose of Great Universities, the Masthead of a Newspaper, Forming the Possessive of Words That End in S, Four Things That Are Important to Learn Earlier in Life, Finding an Average.
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Format: Hardcover, 128 pagesDimensions: 10.38 X 7.25 X .55 (inches)
ISBN: 1937032078
ISBN-13: 9781937032074
Series: Life of Fred