By: Stanley F. Schmidt Ph.D.
Kidneys is the first book in the Life of Fred Intermediate Series, which is designed for students who have completed the elementary series books, but have not yet completed grade 5.
Each narrative-based chapter is approximately six pages, and ends with a "Your Turn to Play" segment with three or four questions. Answers are provided on the next page for students to go over themselves after attempting to solve the problems. This book should take approximately one month to complete.
Kidneys covers: Three Keys to Success, Charles Demuth's "I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold," Milliliters, Teachers' Salaries, How to Carry Money on the Street, Writing Numerals in Checks ($4000 and Not $40.00), Idioms, Semibreves, Libraries State that Mccoy Comes Before Macdonald, Word Problems in Arithmetic, 100%, the Result of Years of Piano Practice, the Great Depression, Na + Cl ? NaCl, Grams Vs. Ounces, Functions, Images of Elements of the Domain, Volumes, 115 Ounces = 7 Pounds and 3 Ounces, the Biggest Error in Thinking, What to Do in Life When You Hit a Wall, Perimeters, Definition of an Acre, How to Make a Million Dollars in Four Years, the Calculus Definition of Limit, the Economics of Free Things, Scores, Dozens, and Braces, Polar Form of Complex Numbers, Exponents, the Five Different Solutions to X5 = 32, Salaries of University Presidents, a Quarter after Two, Toiletries for Kids and Older People, Physical Exams, Ketones and Glucose, the Best Use of Leisure Time, Why We Have Two Kidneys, the Chief Use of Kidneys Is Not to Make Urine, Point-Segment-S quare-Cube-Tesseract, Twelve Kinds of Set Theory, the Best Time in History to Become a Mathematician, Adumbration in Literature, Arithmetic Sequences and Series, the Difference Between the United Kingdom and Great Britain, the Four Different Reasons We Speak, Preview of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Sigma Notation, Descartes' Analytic Geometry, Why it Is Called a Solstice.
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Format: Hardcover, 128 pagesDimensions: 10.38 X 7.25 X .55 (inches)
ISBN: 193703206X
ISBN-13: 9781937032067
Series: Life of Fred