By: Stanley F. Schmidt Ph.D.
Educate your students on the importance of sound financial choices with Life of Fred's trademark humor and pizzazz. Designed to fulfill the need for personal financial literacy skills that math books don't often cover, readers will learn about income and spending ratios, debt, budgeting, setting goals, investments, and other necessary knowledge for functioning as an adult with financial solvency. . . while keeping the perspective that there are more important things than money! "Your Turn to Play" exercises are included throughout, but rather than focusing only math skills, often ask students to reflect upon their priorities, the differences between wants and needs, and where to allot items or expenses. Answers are given on the next page.
If you want to wear clothes or eat or live indoors, this book may help you accomplish those goals.
In this book you will find:
• Three reasons to use a credit card
• The ultimate use of money
• The five places to invest
• How to retire in 24 years (Nothing financial is 100% certain–but this comes close.)
• Five suggestions for choosing a good spouse
• Insurance–what to buy and what not to buy
• Taxes–the seven categories
• Personal habits that will help make you successful
• Real estate–what to buy and when to buy
• Stocks, bonds, mortgages, REITS, certificates of deposit, mutual funds
• How Kingie made his fortune.
Life of Fred: Financial Choices covers: What Jane Austen Said about a Single Man with a Good Fortune; the Difference Between Income and Assets; Between Expenses and Liabilities; Two Ways to Compute Your Financial Health-Budgeting vs. Net Worth; Needs vs. Wants; Three Arguments Against Overspending; Which Assets Lose Value Quickly; Fiat Currency; Figuring Future Value under Compound Interest; Figuring How Long to Pay off a $5,000 Loan at 18% Interest with Payments of $80/month (Most College Graduates with Science Majors Don't Know How to Compute That); Setting Goals for Your Life: Financial/Physical/Family/S piritual/Mental; Factors in Deciding Where to Live-16 Questions to Help Decide; Detailed Guide to the Five Asset Classes-Real Estate, Education, Paper, Things, and a Business That You Own; Buying Furniture, Clothes, and Cars; Buying vs. Renting a Place to Live; How to Decide How Much to Spend-Fancy or Cheap? And more.
Click here for sample pages.
Format: Hardcover, 176 pagesDimensions: 10.38 X 7.25 X .55 (inches)
ISBN: 1937032183
ISBN-13: 9781937032180
Series: Life of Fred